Episode One: Futura
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In this first episode we talk about Futura, that most versatile of modernist typefaces and its designer Paul Renner, OG Anti-fa.
Anitra tells Jason why the Nazis hated Latin typefaces. We argue about the merits of mathematical proportions. Jason unfairly compares Type Designer Mathew Carter to a character from Game of Thrones.
Anitra chose to do the history for this episode thinking that she knows all about Futura because she has read lots of stuff about the Bauhaus, but does she actually? (Spoiler alert, turns out not really).
Websites and books referenced in this episode:
Biography of Renner: https://mantex.co.uk/paul-renner-the-art-of-typography/
University of Kansas Bio of Renner (that everyone else shamelessly ripped off): https://people.ku.edu/~delange/paulrenner.html
About the women of the Bauhaus: http://www.designcurial.com/news/the-women-of-the-bauhaus-7370218
Getty Research Institute: https://www.getty.edu/research/exhibitions_events/exhibitions/bauhaus/new_artist/history/principles_curriculum/
Just My Type / Simon Garfield Elements of Typographic Style / Robert Bringhurst
Power in Numbers
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